Jaguar wrote:

> At the LILO prompt when first starting Linux type "linux 3" <-- w/o quotes.
> That will take you to a text console, from there you can rerun your X setup
> with whatever config program your prefer.
> As to why you lose X config I have no idea.
> Jaguar
> Dennis Myers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Here is a problem  I have had a couple of times.  I spend time on the
> > net one night and everything is ok, I boot up the next day and my
> > X-server won't boot, the screen just flashes off and on black to blue. I
> > can't get in to server because I had it set to Boot to X-server.  So
> > both times I have had to re-install Linux as a new install, and since I
> > haven't figured out how to back up data, I lose stuff.  Nothing real
> > important, but a pain to get back on the system.  First, why do I lose
> > the x-server (Window in KDE)? How do I get back the server without
> > re-install, I have tried to do just an update but that fails.  This is
> > an annoying problem cause I thought  linux was more stable than this, or
> > more likely it's something I am doing.  Any suggestions would be greatly
> > appreciated.  Dennis
> The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.
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All the response indicates that I am not the first to have the problem. I have noted 
solutions, and thanks to all.  I will not do reinstalls from now on.  I don't know the 
of the problem unless it is the S3 Trio3D/2X agp card. If I keep having the problem I 
change cards. Any suggestions for a card that 7.0 likes?   Thanks again for the 

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