The "unsafe" line at the end should follow the
"floppy" section.  Should be right under "label=floppy"

And add "table=/dev/hda" in the windows section.

Try this.


On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Arlindo Fragoso wrote:

> Hello! Yesterday I've installed Mandrake 7.0 and
> everything goes OK. But... when I tried to restart the
> computer, the LILO prompts appear and after 5 secs
> windows don't boot! I've tried to use the boot disk and
> the same occurs. I've tried to boot with a DOS disk but
> after a while it stops. If I write Linux at the prompt
> everything works fine! Why that? My LILO is like this:  
> boot=/dev/hda timeout=50 prompt
>     message=/boot/message
>     default=windows
>     vga=normal
>     root=/dev/hda6
>     read-only
> map=/boot/map
> install=/boot/boot.b
> keytable=/boot/pt-latin1.klt
> image=/boot/vmlinuz
>         label=Linux
> other=/dev/fd0
>     label=floppy
> other=/dev/hda1
>     label=windows
> unsafe
>  My computer as 128 RAM, HD 10Gb (win 6.5G/ Linux 3.5G)
> Intel 600 Mhz, I need some help, please!!!! TIA
> AF

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