On 29 Jun 00, at 19:12, Neil Rowley wrote:

> Hi,
> As a recent convert to Mandrake 7 I find myself in a tiz over those so 
> called" tarball" and "gzipped" packages. Having recently downloaded 
> Realplayer G2 and an upgraded version of the Netscape Browser  it's 
> pretty obvious that they are not RPM programs.  On seeking help  about 
> this there is plenty of guidance out there on the use of commands such 
> as "tar xzf" etc. but to  where and how do you move the file package 
> from the "home" directory"  and what do I do the editing with ?

targz filea will unpack with
tar zxvf <foo_file_version.tar.gz>

Almost certainly, if the files are binaries, they'll have a readme 
and install file, in text format which tell you what to do. Read 
them. There'll usually be a install script file that you'll have to 
run as ./install, then do a make and make install. Read the man pages 
man tar
tar --help

    Sthitaprajna | (at)mailandnews(dot)com

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