Hi list anywhere remember my question about xserver crash? no problem I can
use X server with gnome, and I localize the problem, and the name of the
problem is KDE, I can't start KDE or any program of KDE, I read the
xsession-errors and its say:

imwheel process could not be verified: : No existe el fichero o el directorio
imwheel started (pid=6534)
QFont::load: Internal error
/usr/bin/startkde: line 13:  6535 Abortado                (core dumped)
kcontrol -init
QFont::load: Internal error
QFont::load: Internal error
QFont::load: Internal error
QFont::load: Internal error
/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:  6539 Abortado                (core dumped) (
sleep 1 && exec kwmsound )
/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:  6540 Abortado                (core dumped) (
sleep 1 && exec kpanel )
/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:  6541 Abortado                (core dumped) (
sleep 1 && exec kfm )
/usr/bin/startkde: line 33:  6542 Abortado                (core dumped) (
sleep 1 && exec krootwm )
QFont::load: Internal error
X connection to :0.0 broken (explicit kill or server shutdown).

Anyone has any idea of this?????, thanx
Martín Ibarra (PeNDeX)
ICQ: 544314
San José

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