On Mon, 3 Jul 2000, Adrian Smith wrote:

>other side of this -- if i open a terminal window under x windows can i
>still do anything while x windows is running that i would be able to do
>if it wasn't running?  as an example -- what i am looking to avoid --
>under windoze if you try to run some programs at a dos prompt it will
>tell you that you can not do this in a multi-tasking environment (as if
>windoze were....) -- does linux have this type of limitation?  if not,
>then i may as well boot to the GUI....

I have never experienced anything like this in Linux, or any flavor of
unix that I have used. It must be better set up than Windoze... Ehm, what

>which of course leads to the question
>how do i change that at this point in the game?

Some people know the easy way, through drakconf, linuxconf etc, I can only
tell you the hard way:
edit /etc/inittab and change the initdefault from 3 to 5. There is
explanatory text at the top of the file. Save the change, and next time
you will be zoomed into the graphical login.


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