John Rye wrote:

> B: Be able to read/write the floppy drive in both filesystems
>    Right now no user can read or write the drive at all. This
>    includes the superuser.
>    Message returned is:
>    Could not list directory contents file:/mount/floppy
> /mnt/floppy /mnt/floppy supermount  users,exec,dev,suid,rw,fs=auto 0 0

Thanks to Tom, the hard drive problem is sorted, Now for the floppy.

Prior to a reinstall several weeks ago (hard-drive death), the floppy
detected the filesystem type, it wasn until a couple of days ago that
the present set of problems occurred (or became noticed). 

I still cannot access the floppy drive from Linux. I've messed with
/etc/fstab, and /etc/filesystems as detailed in fstab(5) or mount(8).

No success - so those files have been restored from the backup AGAIN!!

Just as an aside - wouldn't it be great if the the man pages had a few
examples <grin>



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