I have a Epson Stylus 400 Color and there is no specific driver for it
in my version 6.5 however, there is a generic Epson Stylus driver.  Try
installing that and see if it works.

Sorry no more help from me on this one, but I just did this about 4 days
ago and never was able to get it to work before.

Good luck.

Gustavo Halperin wrote:
>   I have the printer Epson  Stylus Color 670
>   The Linux Mandrake was know this in the configuration hardware, but
> when
>  I send any think is not print,  What I can to do ????
> --
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> _/_/_/_/.._/_/_/_/._/_/_/_/......_/......._/......_/....._/_/..._/_/_/_/......
> .........Gustavo Halperin...........................................................
> .....Paradigm Geophysical..............\\\Y///.................................
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]\\ ^ ^ //................................
> .........972-9-9709318..................(/ @ @ \)..............................
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