On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Quaylar wrote:

>does anybody of u know whether theres a special script under mandrake  that 
>creates the isdn devices ?
>i experienced that my update to ver 7.1 deleted somehow my isdndevices.....
>isdn4linux faq tells me that theres a script called "makedev.sh" that 
>should create them.....
>but i cant find this file in my isdn4k-utils package from mandrake.....nor 
>does the package of redhat offer it...
>maybe theres some redhat specific script ?

Yikes, I am not glad to read this!! I use ISDN also, with 7.0, and I'd
hate to lose the ISDN connect through just an upgrade!! And this while an
upgrade from 6.1 to 7.0 went just smoothly.

Is there anyone out there that can assure me that I don't hit this??

Sorta scared now, since I have the upgrade CD's here...


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