> "Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
> > This is so weird. So many people have had problems with the SB Live
> > cards. I've got one, and it worked out of the box with both 7.0 and 7.1.
> > Only problems I've ever had (with both) is that I can't get music (sound
> > fx is fine) with Doom or Heretic.
> >
> > Am I just lucky? ;-)
> >
> > --
> >                                      /\
> >                                  Dark><Lord
> >                                      \/
> Thats weird.. Ive installed different distros including 7.0 and 7.1 and no
> problems... hmmm...

I have SoundBlaster LIVE! Platinum. 
I installed mandrake 7.1.

Though I had to tell Mandrake that I had a SCSI device (and IDE disk -
still don't understand that, waiting for anyone that does) to detect my
CD-ROM... doing nothing special other than a full development install
detected the card and propoerly installed the emu10kwhasit drivers.  I get
sound effect, I can play music... I *CAN'T* use the daughter board (the
'live drive')... though Lothar is helpful enough to tell me it's there.

A question/request: I'd love to see docs somewhere on someone taking a
standard Mandrake 7.1 Development install and:

Upgrading successfully to xfree86 4.0.1, 
installing the NVIDIA drivers for the GeForce card, 
installing in full the SoundBlaster LIVE,
installing Quake 3 Arena succeffully.

Of course, it doesn't need to happen too soon, I still need to 
test at the end of the next week - and temporarily leaving quake was
one of the reasons I nuked my windows partition.  ;)  From time to time I
find calculated destruction more effective than willful resolve.

I'm actually quite surprised such handholding documents don't exist for a
variety of cards/configs at a central location. 



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