On Mon, 10 Jul 2000, Dave Naylor wrote:

>I tried installing Sawfish .30 on my Mandrake 7.1 system this morning but
>it seems to require libreadline.so.3 whereas I have so.4 installed.  I
>wrote to the Sawfish author who tells me that it's because it was built on
>Red Hat 6.2 which uses so.3 unlike Mandrake which has so.4.  He suggests
>rebuilding the RPMs.
>Sorry for being a newbie, but what the heck do I have to do? 

Not that I am this smart, I just save mails:

You need to download the src.rpm for it, and then do something like

rpm --rebuild --target=i586 <whatever-the-name>.src.rpm

and install RPMs package which will be created. 

We all start as newbies.


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