Wienand Drenth wrote:
> Thanks everyone for their info on lilo/grub.
> Could someone please confirm if the following conclusions are correct:
> First there  is LILO that needs a /boot partition before cylinder 1024;

It seems that there are no more pbs with the new lilo, I'm
not sure.

> Then there is Grub that doesn't have this limitation.
> But, if your hd is LBA, then there won't be a problem at all.
>   How do I check if my hd is lba. In /etc/lilo.conf was a line "lba32".
> Should this do the trick?
Didn't try it,have an LBA and don't need that, but look at
your bios.
On the start of your bios press 'del' key.
Ther you'll find the info.
> Thanks, and once again.
> Wienand

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