On Sat, 15 Jul 2000, Phil Burton wrote:

>I prefer doing my ftp on a command line.  And this is
>why.  I tried Igloo FTP once and tried uploading a jpg
>graphic to my wife's website.  The website HTML is written
>to use ".jpg" in lower-case letters.  Whenever I try to use
>a graphical ftp client, it insists on changing .jpg to
>.JPG.  Even after going back and deleting, re-uploading,
>re-naming, it kept up the insistence.  So much for graphical
>ftp in my estimation.  Command line ftp works just fine and
>does what you specify.  My two pesos.

And you can prepare nice update scripts too :)

Saves a lot of waiting time:

script would look like this:

open ftp.something.com
user <name> <pass>
put index.html
put picture.jpg
dele directory/image.gif

Name this e.g. update.ftp

and then run

ftp -ivn < update.ftp

Really works fine for me.


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