Hi --

I have used Ghost (I think version 5, but I'm not sure) to copy drives.
It works fine for NT and OS/2, but I've not gotten good results with Linux.
Has anybody tried the most recent version of Ghost?  

On Sun, 16 Jul 2000, you wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 12:07:28PM -0500, Romanator wrote:
> > Is it possible to create an image file with all partitions, including
> > Linux?
> If your partition is smaller than 2 GB, a dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hdb/output-file
> will do it.
> This will create the file output-file in /mnt/hdb.  You should take
> care to save the file (output-file) in a directory which is not on the
> same drive though.
> If your partition is bigger than 2 GB, you're in bad luck with dd.  It
> can only read/write files upto 2GB max (currently).
> To still be able to backup your whole drive, first save the parition
> entries to a file.  sfdisk -lx will print out all the entries.  Then
> something like "tar spcfvI /tmp/MyBackupFile.tar.bz2 -C / .
> --exclude=/tmp/MyBackupFile.tar.bz2".  This will create a bzip2'd tar
> file containing all your files in /tmp called MyBackupFile.tar.bz2. 
> If this still results in a file bigger than 2 GB (tar can also not
> handle this), think about tar'ing all the dirs seperately.
> Alexander Skwar
> -- 
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Pete Clapham
Department of Biological, Geological, and Environmental Sciences
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio, 44115

Voice:  [216] 687-4820
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