I'm with you Alex. Crystal clear.  :)


I love my Linux Box...
        REASON # 2 ...X-windows is just a suedonym.
        Registered Linux user # 182496

On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Ronald J. Hall wrote:

> Alexander Skwar wrote:
> > Well, but he's actually right.  If that "walt" person really thinks
> > that w2k is better, why shouldn't he encourage him to go back to this
> > "os"?
> Hmm. I'm kinda mixed on this... I mean, if he tries/tests both OS's (is
> it really accurate calling Windog an OS? <smile>) and then makes
> an intelligent decision based on his trials,
> and goes back to MS, then I would wish him 
> luck on his decision (even though I would still
> disagree heartily with it). 
> But...(cue one of VH1's pop up video "butts")
> if he goes with Windoze because he hasn't really
> taken the time needed to get to know Linux and
> get the best out of it...then I think we, as the
> Linux community (and thus are all spokespeople
> after a fashion) should be concerned... 
> If you follow me here... (I just clocked out
> of a 12.5 hour PM shift at my hospital). ;-)

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