not to mention that Pine doesn't read HTML format. Only text.

Sridhar Dhanapalan wrote:
> I just thought I'd add my own two cents to this topic...
> The UNIX e-mail system (as used in Linux) _does not_ store each e-mail as a
> separate file. One look at your mail directory (usually in /home/Mail) will
> tell you that each mail folder as viewed in your e-mail client has its own
> file. This means that if all your mail goes to one folder (e.g. "inbox") then
> all you will have in your /home/Mail directory is one file called "inbox"
> containing all your mail. Sure, there will be a few other files, but these will
> be small and are unrelated to how much mail you have. What does this all mean
> you ask? It means that each message does _not_ have a minimum value of 1Kb as
> Jaguar says. The 1Kb minimum for files is due to the minimum cluster size for
> the ext2 filesystem. Just for reference, the WinDOS FAT32 filesystem has a
> minimum cluster size of 4Kb. This means that even if a file is empty, it will
> still take up 4Kb. It also means that if you have a file of, say, 400.1Kb it
> will take up 404Kb of HDD space under FAT32. As you can probably imagine this
> cluster wastage can add up. I've seen FAT32 filesystems with well over 30%
> wastage (as reported by PartitionMagic 4.0) due to this! In other words, these
> filesystems were officially only 70% full but were actually full to the brim!
> And the cluster sizes in FAT32 go up exponentially when partition sizes go past
> only 8.4Gb! FAT16 (as used in Win95a and below) was even worse, but I won't go
> into that (I believe I've strayed too far from the topic already).
> Anyway, as for the HTML vs plain text argument, I personally prefer plain text.
> Try typing a message in text and saving it as a file. Then try typing the same
> message (i.e. no fancy editing like bold or italics) in HTML and save that to a
> file too. Compare the file sizes. Open each one in a plain text editor (not a
> HTML editor like Netscape Composer). It can be clearly seen that although both
> files contain exactly the same message, the HTML one is much larger in size.
> Now remember that the Mandrake Newbie list can get _hundreds_ of messages a
> day. Multiply the size difference between the plain text and HTML files by
> several hundred and you can see that the increased size created by HTML e-mail
> is enormous. On dial-up connections this can take ages to download. It also
> fills-up e-mail address server space. Most people get around 5-10Mb of server
> space. If this fills up then messages sent to this address get bounced back.
> 5-10Mb is quite a lot, but the amount of mail it can hold dwindles
> significantly if all mail is in HTML. Also, those who can't check their mail
> every day will find that they can't receive any new mail after a few days due
> to a full account.
> Another reason for text over HTML is that (and yes, I am contradicting what
> others have said previously) a large proportion of us still don't use e-mail
> clients that are 100% HTML compatible. Based on personal experience, the only
> 100% HTML-compatible client is Netscape Mail, which certainly is not everyone's
> cup of tea. I personally like it a lot, but I don't use it as I need the
> ability to access multiple POP accounts. I currently use Kmail, but its HTML
> support is far from perfect at this stage. For example, it shows pictures as
> attachments, not as part of the message. Most HTML messages I get come up as
> code, making it very difficult to read them. Most of these messages go straight
> to my trash can. Until Linux has a decent mail client that can do everything we
> want (including reading HTML), text-only mail is a must. Programmes like
> Evolution and Magellan look good, but still need some work before they can be
> used properly.
> On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, philomena wrote:
> > HOORAY !!!!!!
> >
> > voice of reason and sanity !! Go Jaguar !!!  'nuf said !
> >
> > cheers,
> > philomena
> >
> > Jaguar wrote:
> >
> > > (climbs up on soap box, and dons flame proof suit)
> > > Alex....don't be a _____ (could have used many different adverbs here...but
> > > couldn't decide on the best fill in the blank yourself...:)
> > > The number of lines has no bearing(sp?)on the size of a short email (like most
> > > of what is sent here) ... even a single keystroke will make the email 1KB,
> > > there is such a thing as a minimum file size, which is 1KB.  So if the email
> > > was composed of a single HTML _BOLD_ letter it would still be 1KB, or if the
> > > email was text ONLY of a single would still be 1KB.
> > > It is true there would be more text to read in an HTML message (in a TEXT only
> > > emailer)...but the size of 2 identically worded emails one with HTML, and one
> > > in text only...the file size would probably be exactly the same, but there
> > > would be more text if HTML was read in a TEXT only emailer.
> > > So if the same two emails were in HTML and one in TEXT only...and
> > > both were 3 KB in size....which would take longer to d/l?
> > > Which weighs more...a ton of lead or a ton of feathers?
> > >
> > > Now I know if Denis Havlik were here...instead of on vacation (which is what I
> > > think triggered this SPAM fest:))he would put a stop to all this.
> > > But in defense of the mail list, he would probably also state that the HTML
> > > codeing messes up the mail archiver too.
> > >
> > > I still can't figure out why you PGP encrytped a PUBLIC email on a public
> > > list????????????????????
> > >
> > > Between the whining and moaning about "To HTML or not" and the constant
> > > ragging (sorry ladies) about "other" OS'es, this list has become almost
> > > unusable to a ***_-=LINUX=-_*** newbie.  The reason most of the people here
> > > are using/trying/evaluating Linux is because they already know about the short
> > > comings of "other" OS'es, and with alot of you @$$|-|0|3$ that keep pissing
> > > and moaning about it, and ranting that Linux is better than sliced
> > > wonder some of your friends think your loony, and don't want to try a *nix.
> > >
> > > (climbs down off his soap box....runs for his life, KEEPS the flame proof suit
> > > on till next Thursday...:))
> > >
> > > Please people, stop putting down other OS'es, there are people that have ONLY
> > > used M$ and have no intention of changing.
> > >
> > > (would have used HTML to make the following blink RED...but...:))
> > > This is a Linux list for LINUX problems, what does bashing M$ have to do with
> > > configuring cards in Linux???????????? What does setting up MySQL, IPChains,
> > > or any other program have to do with putting down a different OS?  Absolutely
> > > NOTHING!!!!!!!!!
> > >
> > > So lets stick to Linux problems and leave the bashing to people who are TOO
> > > narrow minded to consider the possiblity of another OS.
> > >
> > > IMO
> > > Thanks for reading to the end..:)
> > > Jaguar
> > >
> > > Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Sun, Jul 16, 2000 at 11:15:23PM -0500, John Glasscock wrote:
> > > > > Most common misconception: that using HTML means filling up a message
> > > > > with backgrounds, attachements, in-line jpegs or gifs or other high
> > > > > bandwidth paraphernalia rather than simply the judicious use of bold and
> > > > > italics (which adds VERY LITTLE to the size of a message).
> > > >
> > > > [...]
> > > >
> > > > > cheaper, regardless of your platform. Get it up and keep it up. Don't
> > > >
> > > > Hmm, this does not fit.  Have you ever even looked at the size of a
> > > > HTML mail vs. a text only mail?  Right now I remember of one of those
> > > > unsubscribe emails.  It was 26 lines big, compared to a text only
> > > > unsubscribe email of only 3 lines.
> > > >
> > > > If I understand you correctly, you're saying that 26 lines is only a
> > > > little bit bigger than 3 lines?
> > > >
> > > > Now if everyone were to bloat their emails like this, I would have to
> > > > pay 9 times as much for being subscribed to this list.  And you are
> > > > telling that this is not much?
> > > >
> > > > For the eye strains:  Right now when I'm writing that message, I see a
> > > > large black background with large white letters.  That doesn't strain
> > > > my eyes even nearly as much as those HTML capable X MUAs do.
> > > >
> > > > > eschew the tools that can help you fulfill that imperative. Reach out
> > > >
> > > > That's what I do, and that's why I am so strongly in favor of
> > > > text-only.  It is easier to use, cheaper, and doesn't strain the eyes
> > > > as much.
> > > >
> > > > Alexander Skwar
> > > > --
> > > > Homepage:
> > > > Sichere Mail? Mail an [EMAIL PROTECTED] fuer GnuPG Keys
> > > > ICQ:          7328191
> > >
> > > The Dogma chased the Stigma, and was hit by the Karma.
> > >
> > > ____________________________________________________________________
> > > Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at 
> --
>  _____________________________________________________________________
>         Sridhar Dhanapalan
>             Linux is like a wigwam...No windows, no gates.
>                            Apache inside.
>  _____________________________________________________________________


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