Who is the manufacturer of the huv and NIC? At work I have had some problems
with 3Com 10/100 hubs not communicating with 10mb NICs. I know this isn't
your problem, I'm just interested to know.

I'm sure that the auto-negotiation which 10/100 hibs have to do to determine
the speed of the card they are connected to does not always work.

Chris Slater-Walker

----- Original Message -----
From: "Rodney" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 9:33 PM
Subject: [newbie] 10/100 mb hub won't work

> I have a 10/100MB hub at home. All my computers (NT 4.0 server and
> workstation, Win 95) work fine with the hub. I plugged the Linux box into
> the hub and it won't work. I switched back to my 10 MB, just to slow for a
> power user like me, and it works fine. What gives?

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