On Sat, 22 Jul 2000, Jeff Malka wrote:

>IN Mandrake 7.1, under KDE, my win partitions have weird names: win_c,
>win_c2, win_d, wind_d2, etc.
>What is the logic behind these names?  What makes linux name them c or c2 or
>d, etc.

I don't know if there is some logic behind it. In the previous version the
dirs were called DOS_hda1, DOS_hda2 etc. Since most people seem to
migrating away from Windoze, it is more obvious and clear to people to
name the FATxx drives to something recognizable. I mean, how many fulltime
Win9x users understand the principle of DOS? Command windows... commands
that are not a click away but you have to TYPE them in by HAND??

I think this is something that Mandrake just decided on. The first thing
that I do after an upgrade is check what they came up with, and hook the
FSTAB entries back to /mnt/c /mnt/d etc.


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