Now that I've had a decent night's sleep (up at 5am, installed X at 1 am
next morning), there are few things that I should have added.

1) Read and answer all the questions yes or no depending if you already have

customizations to your X environment (I didn't), it will save so much post
install work.

2)An opportuninty to choose the default desktop (KDE, Gnome, TWm, etc)is
probably provided during the run of I must have missed it in my

fatigue and the XFree86.urg people are way too thorough to miss that. If it
is, you can skip the whole second half of my instructions dealing with

3) A chance to choose resolutions beyond 800x600 may have also been provided

during the installer and I missed it.


Victor Richardson wrote:

> I just installed X 4.0.1 on Mandrake 7.1 and had it up and running off
> the default installation by only moving and renaming one file and
> editing one other. I highly suggest it to any S3 Trio3D users who are
> running X in frame buffer mode or haven't gotten it working. I tried for
> 6 months to 3.3.6 to run and only got it to work in frame buffer
> 1024x768 once, then could never get it to work again.
> If anyone is interested, I just followed the simple instructions at
>, and downloaded these files to a temporary directory:
> Xbin.tgz
> Xdoc.tgz
> Xetc.tgz
> Xfenc.tgz
> Xfnts.tgz
> Xfscl.tgz
> Xfsrv.tgz
> Xlib.tgz
> Xman.tgz
> Xmod.tgz
> Xvar.tgz
> Xxserv.tgz
> extract.exe
> 1) Run 'sh' from within it's directory and answer yes to all
> the questions,
> #sh
> 2) afterwards run the new 'XFree86 -configure' which automatically sets
> XF86Config for the S3 Trio3D with the S3Virge driver.
> #XFree86 -configure
> 3)  Go into directory /etc/X11 and rename any XF86Config and
> XF86Config-4 to ".old"
> 4) Copy and rename the new XF86Config to /etc/X11 (4.0.1 reads
> XF86Config-4 now) with #cp /root/ /etc/X11/XF86Config-4
> 5) reboot
> It seems that 4.0.1 launches the TWM desktop by default (at least it did
> on mine) which looks like crap and will make you think the install
> didn't work properly (at least I did). On mine it had this light grey
> background (rough, primitive, detail) with three screens open; login,
> xterm, and xclock. If you use and already have KDE installed, then you
> need to drop TWM and tell X to launch KDE by default:
> 1)Go into the login screen and exit out of X;
> #exit
> 2) Edit /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc, which is read only so change
> it to read-write;
> #cd /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/
> 3) Save xinitrc and change it's name so you can restore if you need to
> with;
> #cp /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc.sav
> 3) Check to see if it is read-write, which will tell if it has
> "-rw-rw-rw-",
> #ls -la xinitrc
> 4) If it doesn't, make it read-write with;
> #chmod 666 xinitrc
> 5)Then edit xinitrc so that it launches KDE default. At the bottom of
> the file it will have a section that says something similar to:
> #start some nice programs
> twm &
> xclock -geometry 50x50-1+1 &
> xterm -geometry 80x50+494+51 &
> exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login
> 6) This tells X that it will launch TWM and have xclock, xterm, and an
> xterm titled "login" already open. Xterm "login" will be the main screen
> so closing it will exit X. Change the "twm &" line to "kde &" . If you
> don't want xclock automatically opened, then delete the xclock line, but
> keep the "exec xterm -geometry 80x66+0+0 -name login" line. I deleted it
> and X wouldn't run.
> 7)Exit and save the file.
> ***I suggest changing the /xinintrc file back to read only with the
> chmod command****
> Unfortunately, it is late and I can't remember which chmod number is for
> read-only. Can somone please reply with the proper chmod number?
> Start X and it should work nicley!
> I know for beginners like myself, this sounds like a lot to do, but it
> only takes a few minutes to install and configure (10-15 max) and then
> you'll be running X in all it's glory. I have to admit I needed help
> from my brother to do all the xinitrc changes, that was out of my
> league.
> ps. Mine was running in 800x600 by default, I'm not sure if you can get
> better resolutions.
> Victor

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