I have seen the same problem occasionally... I think it may be a DNS problem. This is 
a possible solution (no guarantees):

On the linux box, in /etc/hosts add the ip address and host name of your linux box, 
also add the host name and ip of your windows box.

It could look somthing like this:      localhost.localdomain     localhost      LinuxBox      WindowsBox

And, in linuxconf (can anyone tell I'm still stuck in Red Hat Land?)--in terminal, su 
to root, type linuxconf [enter]--click networking|host_name_search_path and make sure 
that hosts, DNS is selected.

I'm not sure if this is the fix (when this happened to me, I was experimenting on a 
machine with an unsupported video card, and didn't care to fool around for very long 
with troubleshooting. I re-installed linux attempting to fix the video 'cause I 
trashed the system entirely, and the netscape thing worked without a problem)

Hope that it helps!


> Hi!
> I have a lan with:
> (PC with Windows 98 SE with a modem, with internet connection 
> sharing)
> (PC with Linux Mandrake 7.02, that have internet access through 
> the Windows PC).
> Problems:
> When Win PC is disconnected from internet (dial-up modem), there are two 
> problems:
> 1. Netscape take a long time to open the mandrake local document (I have 
> changed to start with blank page, but it still open mandrake welcome 
> document)
> 2. I have wu-ftpd installed. Making FTP to localhost it take a long time to 
> login.
> When Win PC is connected to internet everything is fine.
> See attached my configuration files
> What is wrong in my configuration?
> Thanks in advance
> Pedro

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