I used the expert  installation and installed xfree4.0, after looking through
'/etc/X11/' i found differnet versions of the xfreeconfig file:
as i installed xfree4.0 all i done was to rename them to:

        'mv XF86Config XF86Config-3' 
        'mv XF86Config-4 XF86Config'
thus in effect using the new config file for xfree4.0, but every time i try
to install the nvidia drivers for my geforce 256 sdr, i get error msgs
compiling the kernel driver using:
        'make SYSINCLUDE=/usr/src/linux/include'
but its says that the kernel drivers have installed o.k, so i then go to
remove some mesa items, only to find they are links, so i rename the links
and targets and install the GLX driver (go in fine. no errors), reboot and
get a few flashes and blown back to the console line. does any one know of
the correct way?

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