"Tim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just spent FOREVER downloading Star Office 5.2 from the Sun site ("only"
> MB ... dunno why it took all day. My ISP will blame net-congestion, Sun
> would blame my ISP ... in any case the file's here).
> Ummm...
> It's a file ending in .bin  I can guess "binary" BUT double-clicking (or
> just clicking) gets me nowhere(!).  Nothing is associated w/ ".bin" files.
> I'm going to go after it from a few angles; but would appreciate any help.
> Have never successfully installed Star Office, or anything else in Linux,
> for that matter.  Sort of frustrating for a guy who's installed/run
> in about 4 other operating systems....
> I'm running Mandrake 7.0, in KDE. Seems REALLY nice. Just have to get my
> "sea legs" with it.
> TIA for any help!
> --tim
Didn't a readme file download with the  .bin ??
It usually gives great stepxstep directions.

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