Use wvdial.  Works easily on a command line.  Use
fetchmail.  Both programs can be run automatically as in the
.bash_profile (for fetchmail) and /etc/rc.d/rc.local
(wvdial).  Set the "inbox path" in Pine setup to
/var/spool/mail/yourname and you are in business. to
search for wvdial and download.  I did this once from
Windows, made a C directory called Linux, downloaded an RPM
to that directory, then retreived the RPM from Linux by way
of /mnt/DOS_hda1/Linux.  Install the RPM.  If it complains
about dependencies (it did to me once) then use --nodeps
because it still works like a champ if you already have pppd
and the basic setup.  E-mail me personally if you have more


On Sun, 30 Jul 2000, Tim wrote:

>Hi all,
>Did some archive searching before typing and am looking for a "simpler"
>solution than all the line editing (in config. files) I've seen so far.
>I've successfully set up kppp and the two email programs (Netscape's and
>kmail) in the KDE environment and can SEND in PINE, from a terminal window.
>What I want to do is boot to console [I can do that]; and, from the command
>prompt only, establish a PPP connection with my ISP that PINE can "latch"
>onto and use.
>i.e., I want to type one command to dial-up and get PPP going (I'm ok w/ a
>SHORT script here, but will need help) and then, type "PINE" and be able to
>do all my email!
>I mention that I can *send* in PINE, from a terminal window, but I haven't
>yet figured out how to have it SEE the mail *in* my inbox.  Will I have to
>get my ISP to set up something special for me?  I'd prefer to run PINE on
>their system, but they are loath to give up shell accounts (hence my
>tinkering w/ Linux!).
>Thanks in advance!

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