On Wed, 02 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> I have heard through the grape vine that the refresh rates can sometimes
> be off by 1Hz or so.  Try your refresh rates and make sure they are set
> correctly.  You may have to go into the X config file, I am not sure how
> to change it.  I am trying to work this out myself.
> And I thought monitors were meant to protect themselves from incorrect
> refresh rates.
> Any ideas people?

    Many monitor manufacturers overstate their product specs, and
'Hz' are always ±   Damn near all the time, even junk monitors will
do 1280x... @ 60Hz (17" >), so that's usually a good choice if
you're not sure, or your monitor doesn't wanna run X at specs.

   Windoze hardly ever has a problem with monitors, since no matter
what you choose as the monitor manufacturer or model, you'll either
get monitor.inf, or monitor2.inf, both of which under-drive most
all monitors (and video cards).

    No matter what OS your monitor is used with, it will never run
at 'full speed' unless your video card and ram/cpu/cache/motherboard
are up to the task.  If all that is in good shape, many quality
monitors can be over-driven with very little risk, ~ +10 to 15% 

    Whatever, depending on the back lighting (fluorescent is the
worst), refresh rates below ~70 will usually produce flicker.  TV's
are 60Hz, yet flicker is rarely noticed.  That's 'cause resolution
and depth are _low_.  If you feel your getting flicker with the
proper settings, try a lower resolution and/or color depth, run your
monitor above spec, or both.  If you then hear a high pitched squeal
coming from the back of the monitor... buy better hardware ;->

~~   Tom Brinkman    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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