I sent this yesterday, but have not seen it posted, so I'l try again:


I am running Mandrake 7.1 on a Tyan Tiger 133 Dual Pentium III MB with one
800EB PIII Porcessor, 128 MB RAM, Diamond Viper V770Ultra Video.  I have two
hard drives: one with two windows partitions and the other with Mandrake.  I
have tried to boot windows several times, but to no avail.  I only get a
"system1" message and nothing more happens.  Sometimes it would say
"Starting Windows 98" and nothing more would happen.

Could someone please give me some advice on configuring LILO to allow me to
boot to windows.  I used the c:>fdisk /mbr command to allow windows to boot
on its own and use a Mandrake Boot Disk to boot into linux, but this gets
annoying.  I would appreciate any help.

Thank You

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