=*= wrote:

> Illuminati Online (my ISP) is very Linux-friendly.  It runs
> on RedHat.  Best ISP I have ever used.  Too bad it only
> serves Houston and Austin, Texas.
> As for free ISP's, they mostly suck.  I used Freewwweb once
> in Linux, and all I had to do was add their phone number and
> my login/password to wvdial.  They haved been Borg-ed into
> Juno now and that no longer works.  FYI, Juno wants to be
> the Microsoft of free internet providers, so don't be
> surprised at a lot more such buy-outs.
> My wife was using Freewweb when they got absorbed, and now
> she cannot get the Freewwweb shit out of her browser.  It's
> a bad deal.  Tech support is non-exixstent of course.  I am
> suspicious of some clown saying they are "working on
> software" for Linux.
> Phil
> On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, Barry Premeaux wrote:
> >While searching www.thelist.com for and ISP for my neighbor, I
> >
> >ran across www.eskimo.com.  It was the only Linux friendly ISP
> >
> >I found.  They had numerous helps, including how to cinfigure
> >
> >Gppp/Kppp.  Rates weren't all that bad either.
> >
> >Also found www.address.com which is a free ISP.  They claim to
> >
> >be working on software for Linux.  If you are interested, send
> >
> >your request to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >--
> >Barry :-)

Surfree.com has worked well for me, although they aren't Linux savy.
Haven't been motivated to
try the free ISP's.  Just don't care for the banners and the potential
ton's of cookies.  One note though,
www.eskimo.com does have a lot of nationwide access numbers which should
be a help to those that

It is also interesting to note that my post on the 3rd shows up on the
server the same day as yours
(the 6th).

Barry :-)

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