Sorry, no ping from Windows to Linux or 'Net, no Linux ping to Windows
Shouldn't Linux broadcast continuously on eth1 to the hub?
Windows is only testing the broadcast IP from Linux, and YES I see lights from
Windows on hub channel 1.
If I plug the Cat5 from cable modem into hub the activity lights blink and I
can get thru the hub to the 'Net.
I have tried connecting from Windows to Linux server, the lights from Windows
flicker, but the eth1 broadcast server lights stay blank.
For right now I just want connectivity from Windows to the 'Net thru Linux.  I
don't want/need Samba for Linux <-> Windows.
Thx for the tips so far Greg.

"Greg Stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (Jeepers, this got long!!!)
> OK, Lets see what we can figure out...
> >Cable modem into eth0
> >Linux eth0 IP 24.112.x.x (cable IP, n/m)
> This is good--having eth0 as the exernal IF is better at boot time. Less
> confusion for the system. I am assuming you can ping around the outside
> world with no problem.
> >Linux eth1 IP n/m
> >eth1 set to broadcast on Cat5 cable into server port on hub
> This looks correct, and I will assume you can ping from the linux box to
> either of the windows boxes. The Gateway on this interface should be its
> IP ( )
> >Win98SE testbox IP n/m
> Can you ping the linux box and the other windows box fromthis one (and the
> same from the other windows machine)? The gateway here should be
> (internal linux interface), and the same with your other windows box.
> >There is no obvious Packet activity from eth1 to the hub.
> >Shouldn't the hub lights "dance with pretty colours" even with ONLY the
> >setup to broadcast?
> Not necessarily... sometimes windows actually DOESN'T broadcast on a
> basis, but it will not broadcast at all if you have not installed the
> NetBEUI network protocol. If all you are running on is TCP/IP, you have to
> initiate activity to see the pretty lights  :)
> With the gateway set correctly on your windows boxes, try pinging the
> internal interface of the linux box. (in DOS Prompt:  ping
> [enter]).
> If you get a time out error, there's something else wrong. A reply means
> good things.
> Now is where ipchains comes in...without it configured correctly, your
> box will not pass any packets from the internal LAN to the outside world.
> Have you tried pmfirewall?  If not (or even if you have) let's try
> can get it from and it's free, and easy.
> in linux, su to root, gunzip and un-tar as necessary, and cd into the
> pmfirewall-1.1.4.
> Read the INSTALL and README files to get a sense of what's going on and
> we can get started here...
> at the bash prompt, in the pmfirewall-1.1.4 directory, type  (dot-slash):
> ./
> you will be asked for a directory, press [enter] for the's
> fine.
> enter eth0 for the external interface, say yes to ONLY the services which
> you plan to run (if you're not sure, turn it off!) If you use chat/IRC/ICQ
> say yes to ident. I would definitely say NO to telnet, and YES to ssh, and
> install OpenSSH or sshd for remote console access.
> You will be asked during this process if there are any IP ranges that need
> unrestricted access, or need restrictions, you can select the default
> you have specific needs.
> Allow pmfirewall to detect your IP.
> Say YES to masquerading.
> enter eht1 as your masqued interface.
> You are statically assigned, so say NO to DHCP.
> Allow pmfirewall to detect your IP.
> Accept the proposal to have pmfirewall start at boot (unless you don't like
> this).
> pmfirewall should make all the entries to scripts, and services, and
> is complete.
> at bash prompt, type:   /usr/local/pmfirewall/pmfirewall restart
> (Use the directory you chose in the first response if it is different from
> the default)
> Pmfirewall should shutdown, restart, and display your external/internal
> information.
> Assuming this all went smoth, try to ping the external interface of the
> linux box (24.112.x.x ) from the windows boxes. You should now get a reply
> here. (If not, something is still not configured correctly in linux.
> Again, assuming all went well:  get the DNS information from the linux box
> (cat /etc/resolve.conf) and ping (from the windows machines) the DNS IPs
> from resolve.conf. If you get a reply Great! You can now enter these DNS
> into the network configuration applets of your windows boxes (since your
> statically assigning IPs to your internal LAN, you need to statically
> the DNS as well).
> When that's done try pinging (DOS prompt again) (or
> anything).
> Ie:  ping  [enter]   (sorry if this is TOO basic for
> you...but I also don't want to get over your head if you haven't had much
> experience in networking...)
> If you get a reply, DNS name resolution is working.
> You should now have a working masqued LAN.
> If things don't got quite so smoothly, keep track of what goes awry, and
> me know so we can work through it a little more.
> --Greg
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