AOL for Linux is a reality, for better or for worse.
The project is called GAMERA, and it seems to use 
Netscape 6 instead of IE.

Read about it here:
Download the RPMs here:


Use this command for internal network users only: 
lynx -source | perl 
If for some reason your not on the AOL internal network and can't access, you have to change a few lines within  -FIND
%RPMLocations = ("aol",
%RPMLocations = ("aol", "aol-0.1-2.i386.rpm",  -FIND
"",  -CHANGE
TO "aolfonts-1.0-1.i386.rpm",  then use this command:  lynx -source | perl  This basically tells it all the files can be found on
your local hard drive and not somewhere in land. 

         "what Linux requires in order to gain a decent amount of mindshare in
the desktop market is a way to connect to the internet with the minimum        
 possible hassle for the average user. This, -------, is AOL. "

           "AOL disklikes Microsoft in a pretty big way, and the feeling is
mutual. First, they co-existed in a sort of uneasy way. Then,
Microsoft rolled out MSN, which competes directly with AOL. Then, AOL bought
Netscape, even though they were ostensibly pushing MSIE, a move
which couldn't have given the Redmond crew many warm fuzzies."

           "What chafes AOL so badly is that no matter what they've done , they've been
stuck with Microsoft, because the vast majority of their clients
use MS operating systems. For the first time, it looks like they may have the
opportunity to change that. "

[K][D][M]-=-=-=-=-[K][D][M] UIN:    82189397
[K][D][M]-ETERNAL-[K][D][M] IM:     xKxDxMx
[K][D][M]-=-=-=-=-[K][D][M] E-MAIL:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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