I completely agree with you; I've been frustrated for the last four months
that I haven't been able to play quake 3 even though the box said my card
was supported!  I spent $40 on a game that I can't use and I've tried the
howto's and all with no luck.  The closest I've been to getting X working
with it was loading SuSE 7.0 (just released) and I still have so many lines
across the screen that I can't begin to play the game - I can just tell that
my old problem is gone (choppy video and way to much delay to actually

Linux may at some point rival Windows on the home users desktop, but I don't
think it will be in the very near future; if that's the end goal, then it
will have to become A LOT more intuitive and user manageable (i.e. - buy a
game or an app off of the shelf, put the cdrom in the computer, few minutes
later you're off and running).


p.s. - I still love Linux!

> Its true, but when I want to play a game I want to
> play a game not spend three days upgrading X and
> checking dependencies so I can play.
> For example, I have spent the last week trying to
> install X 4.01 so I can use my voodoo5 in linux.  I
> have totally ruined my install 3 times.  I actually
> got it working once but my mouse wouldn't work.  I
> turned the computer off and went to bed.  When I
> booted the next morning X wouldn't even start.
> Windows 98 first edition took the card fine.  No
> problems.  Works great out of the box.  I've been
> playing games in windows for a week.  Yesterday I
> bought, installed and played Unreal Tournament.  It
> was about as easy as that too.
> Now, before you go off on me for not being hardcore
> enough about linux let me say that I use linux because
> I enjoy the challenge.  I get frustrated just like any
> other person though.  All of this is to support my
> explanation that windows is an excellent gaming
> playform.  Like a nintendo on steroids.
> By the way, has anyone managed to install 4.01 and get
> a voodoo5 running?  Mind sharing with me how you did
> it?  I've followed the directions on Xfree86.org for
> upgrading to 4.01 and I've installed the 3dfx drivers
> but all I get is software mode or my mouse slides to
> the bottom right hand corner of the screen and stays
> there.  ug.
> Dacia

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