Installed mandrake linux 7.1 perfectly using Automode install, the
X-Windows interface during the instal worked fine, it recognized all my
hardware, but during the reboot progress it failed.  I got something like,
"Start1 Start2" then it hung.  I forget the actual words, but it hangs on
boot up and does nothing.

Tried booting from floppy so I could run and check the lilo.conf, but I
could not get the floppy boot to recognmize the CD-ROm during 'Recovery'
mode.  So I never got a prompt.  I used to use RH 5.1, but I am NOT an
expert user.

My hardware:

E-Machines Pentium II 333mhz
32 mb memory
2Gig HD
Partition does include /temp /usr and swap drives
NEC Monitor


Do I need to re-run LILO or look at my LILO.conf?  In auto install mode, I
did not specify MBR or 1st drive as my boot method, does it matter which I
use?  I usually use my 1st drive.  I also tried to install an old version
of Redhat Linux, but it also hung on re-boot.  The system works fine with
Win98 and Win2000, which is how I polled the hardware to set up linux.  I
am NOT doing dual boot.

Thanks, Michael
Michael Hatzakis, Jr MD
Assistant Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington Medical Center
Medical Director, Inpatient and Cardiac Rehabilitation Programs
Puget Sound Veterans Administration Health Care System
(206) 277-1792
(206) 764-2263 Fax

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