Gavin wrote the response below to what appears ot be the same problem you
have. I have tacked it on below your message:


----- Original Message -----
what do I have to set or do to be able to upload files to my Apache web
server on my lan? I use front page but I know it will ftp. There must be
some sort of account  file or some thing I need to set up. I can accsess the
server and it asks me for a user name and pass work. But wont let me in. I
did get it to complete uploading once using my user name and pass word to
log into Linux on that machine but the files did not end up in the dir I
wanted them to go to.


> OK, I get it.
> Your problem is with user permissions. I'll bet the web server is set up
> just fine.
> What you need is a user who is privileged to access the web documents
> folder.
> something like this:
> create a new user joe
> create a new group webusers
> add user joe to group webusers
> set user joe's home folder to /home/httpd (so FTP will drop him into the
> right folder)
> set the owner of /home/httpd to joe/webusers
> # chown -R joe.webusers /home/httpd
> joe now owns the web documents and when he logs in with FTP he can do what
> he likes.
> the web server runs as it's own user, usually 'nobody'. 'nobody' needs to
> have read access to any file you wish to serve so the file should be world
> readable. (note the 3rd r)
> -rw-rw-r--   1 joe  webusers    4510 Jan  5  2000 index.html
> if you give a file read/write access for the group then any user you add
> group 'webusers' can have access to that file too.
> add 'nobody' to 'webusers' and you can set permissions this:
> -rw-rw----   1 joe  webusers    4510 Jan  5  2000 index.html
> some people have mentioned aliases, they work like this:
> your wife has a home folder at /home/wife
> when she logs in with ftp that's the folder she is dropped into
> if you add an alias /home/wife/webdocs which points to /home/httpd/
> then she can get to the /home/httpd/ folder from her account. BUT, the
> are still owned by root so she can't do anything with them.
> another way to go is to create a folder in your wife's home directory
> /home/wife/webdocs (owned by her not root) and make this the main folder
> the web server by editing httpd.conf then restating apache.
> it is hard to give simple straight answers because everything is so
> and everybody sets things up differently. Basically you have to play with
> the user/group/permissions 'til you get something that works for you.
> Gavin
> on 8/24/00 10:35 PM, rharvey  wrote:
> > If I am root I can have access to the directory.
> > But my wife needs to ftp in and drop the files off in the httpd/html
> > directory. the error is permission denied. the server will not allow any
> > to log in as root (ftp or telnet or ssh)  If you get on ther server it
> > you can log in as root.
> > It is not pratical to ftp ito her personal dir and the go to the linus
> > and log in as root and move the files to the httpd/htlm dir. I will
> > the error dir.
> >

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