first off, thanks to Phil, Greg & Joseph for answers to my last question.  my brain 
hadn't quite realized that suffixes do not decide if a file is executable or not.  
maybe i can make some progress now    =)   or maybe not --  for my next question:

i'm trying to install a RPM file from the command line (ok....  is it just me or are 
RPMDrake & Kpackage lame.  if i'm going to install a RPM from the GUI why can't i just 
browse the tree, find the RPM i want to install and click on it or something.  both of 
these programs just confuse me.....  of course, actually i'm quite happy with a 
command line -- so there)

anyhowz, when i type "RPM -i filename.rpm" i get back:
"no such file or directory"
yet when i do "ls"
the file is quite certainly there.
i tried using the whole file name with extension
i matched the case
still no dice.
could this have something to do with permissions?
but if i am root, permissions woudn't matter right?  
can't root go anyplace & do anything?
any thoughts?

thanks much

Adrian Smith
'de telepone dude
Telecom Dept.
x 7042

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