Knightmayre Computer Solutions wrote:

> Hi all, Got v7.0 up and running- went on a
> treat although I know I've still got loads
> to do on iti.e. only reading the DVD-ROM
> and not the CD-R and minor stuff like that,
> but that'snot too important atm. The thing
> is, my internal modem (yeah, yeah) doesn't
> appear to be a WinModem: it'san ESS ES56T-I
> , which is as far as I can acertain, a
> hardware varient of the good ol'PCI
> version, but can I get it to work? All I
> constantly get is 'modem is busy' so I have
> touse Windoze to go online. Can anyone also
> recommend a decent book to buy on Linux: I
> was thinking of Linuxfor Dummies *g* but
> would like to hear what others have to say.
> Cheers,  Dave

If you had it running in Windows, what com
port did you use?

Linux uses - /dev/ttyS0   com-1
             /dev/ttyS1   com-2
             /dev/ttyS2   com-3
             /dev/ttyS3   com-4

If I had to buy a single book to start with,
I would get
"Running Linux" from O'Reilly.

Barry :-)

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