Yeah, I've been using Mozilla as my main browser ever since M14. And it's been
getting better with every milestone. I'm not sure if you've downloaded the
latest nightly build lately, but they've changed the way Mozilla looks again.
It's much more blue, and IMHO looks better than it used to. (90K) for those of yall
who don't have the time to download the 7 MB file. 

Galeon is also really nice for just simple web browsing. It requires Mozilla to
be installed on your system, but it only uses it to do the web page rending.
The actual browser is MUCH faster and doesn't take up near as many resources as
Mozilla does. if you want to check it out.

The only times I use Netscape 4.7x now is to go to sites that require SSL
logins or Flash, as Mozilla and Galeon don't support that. But I'm so happy
that I never touch Netscape 4.7x anymore; I never did like that browser.

> > 
> > Netscrape seems to have more bugs than any other app I use.
> It's been this way ever since AOL took over. It stopped being Netscape and
> started to emulate the $_it that comes from AOL. I'm really looking
> forward to seeing what Mozilla turns out to be. And No, I don't mean
> Nutscrape 6. I mean Mozilla. M17 is really nice but quite the memory
> hog. Hopefully they'll get those problems taken care of by the time M18
> comes out. Mozilla is almost there. As long as they don't sell out we're
> going to see a real browser, email client combination when it's done.
> Mark
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are. 

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