I didnt like the linux4win because i thought it was really hard to play with 
the kernal, i didnt really understand the different ways. I think it is much 
better to just repartition your drive or even go out and buy a small 5 gigger 
or somthing. Im runing mandrake 7.1 on a 4 gig drive with 98 on a 10. I wish 
I could switch that around but I havnt been able to get all the corel 
software for linux, and it sucks up all my space on my 10. Let lilo do the 
booting and forget the linux4win for now. Maybe in the future...

PS. If you are like me you love to tweak with windoze ini files and have to 
reinstall windwos once a month. If you use linux4win all your information is 
lost when you reinstall windoze by what i understand.


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