On Thu, 31 Aug 2000, you wrote:
> Is there anything to warn me about having a totally full harddrive? Today Linux
> was deleting everything I opened up, and I had no idea why. Eventually it
> struck me to check how full my /home partition was, and low and behold it was
> 100% full. I didn't lose anything too important thank goodness, but it would
> have been a lot better if something would have told me that I was out of disk
> space. Windows has a dialog box pop up if you have less than 75MB left, but I
> never recieved any kind of warning in Linux. Is there such a program or do I
> just have to keep up with how much space I'm taking up?
> -- 
> Anthony
> http://binaryfusion.net
> Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

I have had the same problem. Now I have the following run as a cron job

if df|grep 9[0-9]%; then df|mail -s " FS > 80% Full " $USER; fi  

It will warn me if any partition gets over 80% full

(Go easy on me, I'm a COBOL programmer in real life)

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