On Fri, 1 Sep 2000, Robert Griffiths wrote:

>Hi, when i try to use the command 'traceroute' i get a command not found 
>reply but i searh for traceroute i find it in /usr/sbin/traceroute, I've 
>only been using linux for a couple of days so help would be great, also does 
>'whois & nslookup' come with linux cos i get command not found with them 
>aswell...i'm running mandrake 7.1. If you can help, thanks in advance.

/usr/sbin is not in the default path for a user. You need to run
/usr/sbin/traceroute or add the dir to your path.


When angry, count to 4.
When very angry, swear.
-Mark Twain

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