On Sun, 3 Sep 2000, Paul wrote:

>so the second CD will be bootable as well? what's on the second CD? I'm

No, the second CD is not bootable. It does not need to be. There is
additional software on it.

>I will have to insert it at some point during the installation... and if

The installer will ask what cd's you have. Tell it you also have the EXT
disk and it will ask you to insert it at a certain point.

>1.) Mandrake will be installed on a another partition? (I have Win2k/Win98
>Partitions already) Will Mandrake allocate the free space from one of those
>partitions to its 'stuff' or will I have to get rid one of those Windoze ones
>(that would be bad) Oh yeah, I'm also running BeOS...

You will need some space available for Mandrake to be installed. 2Gb
should be enough for starters.

>2.) Mandrake has some kind of MultiBoot type of program, right? (I'll have an
>option to boot either partition?) and it's fail-safe...right...?

It has 2. Lilo and Grub. Grub is installed by default with Mdk 7.1. And
yes, it has a failsafe option.

>3.) I've only used Linux for a short while...does Mandrake install some kind of
>Graphical environment, or will I have to struggle through the pains of THE

You will be able to use X-windows, and a wealth of different window
managers (graphical looks) for it.

>cheers, paul


Why is it that when we talk to God
we're said to be praying, 
but when God talks to us we're schizophrenic?
-Lily Tomlin

http://nlpagan.net - ICQ 147208 - Registered Linux User 174403
              -=PINE 4.21 on Linux Mandrake 7.1=-

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