I am at a loss. I have browsed hundreds of message boards and list
serves.  I am running Mandrake 7.0

I installed samba 2.0.7 ran ./configure and make and make install....no
errors created a simple smb.conf file and added swat 901/tcp to the
/etc/services file. Also added
swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/local/samba/bin/swat swat...there
are no # infront of these lines...to the /etc/inetd.conf...then issued
killall -HUP inetd to restart inetd

I have seen that some have this line pointing ot  /usr/sbin/samba ...I
don't have samba installed there so I don't. Made the test directory and
chmod. I am follow the OReilly book on samba. All seems to be
inorder...http://localhost:901...won't connect it goes to a netscape
search page. I changed the netscape preferences in the proxy section to
no proxy localhost:901...no effect still wont connect...can connect to
the web server.

Checked the samba client scbclient -L localhost -U%
added inferface ip=xx.xx.xxx.xxx bcast=xx.xx.xxx.xxx nmask=

error connecting to (Connection refused)
Connection to localhost failed
I am confused i thought it was supposed to connect using port 901
Again I try to connect ...and it forwards me to the same netscape
search. If I try to connect via my ip I get a netscape error "the server
may not be accepting connections or may be busy."

I have entered swat: ALLOW
                        swat: myip: ALLOw
into the hosts.allow
Double checked the /etc/lmhost file... localhost
I ran ps ax looking for the daemon
    1          ?         S           0:00        init [5
    2          ?        SW        0:00        (kflushd)
    These are missing according to the oreilly boo
    234    ?        S                            nmbd -D3
    237    ?        S                            smbd -D3
there is nothing on 139 and 901
How do I change this?

Running netstat -a I find that 901 is connected but again nothing on 139

Telnetting to 139 confirms this
Running testparm
    Load smb config files from /etc/smb.conf
    Processing section "[test]"
    Loaded service file ok.
    Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

All of these steps have been repeated many times services restart
machine restarted. Also I don't have a firewall in place as yet.  Tried
reinstalling samba also...no effect. I am on a cable modem...dhcp.

Any help or suggestions would be great.

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