I had the same problem with drake 7.1 and a tnt2 plus.  Installed great the
first time with no issues.  When I had to reinstall because of a botched
xfree86 upgrade, I'd get errors, particularly when at the X setup portion.
I would have to pass up X setup and try to set it up from console.  Never
got it.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jaguar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 03, 2000 9:07 PM
Subject: Re: [[newbie] Another question]

Is this CD from the Maximum Linux magazine??? If so I sent then an email
time ago asking if they had problems with a batch of CD's?  As yet I have
heard anything.
BTW I have the exact same problem...error on a Trident video card...strange
thing is...it's a supported AT24/3DFX video card????
Just my $0.02 worth

"John Mariotti, a.k.a Vercingitorix, a.k.a [ChaOz]-Enigma"
> I must, yet again, beg for assistance, before I lose every hair on my
> I just spent the last five hours trying to get X Window installed. Now,
> during the installation, it says that it is working correctly and will run
> upon reboot. All well and good, however, when it reboots it enters Run
> 5 as it should I believe, however it then quickly changes to Run Level 3
> no other reason than to annoy me, I'm quite sure. So I run Linuxconf and
> ensure it is set to Runlevel 5 same thing happens upon reboot. So then I
> assume that it must be configured wrong. And we all know what happens when
> one assumes. Anyways, I type XF86Setup, figuring, moronically I might add,
> that I might be able to fix this situation. And lo-and-behold I receive a
> happy little message stating thus -
> Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
> (generic) (line 2513)
> Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident
> (generic) (line 2519)
> Warning SERVER specification missing in Card database entry Trident Cyber
> 9320 (generic) (line 2537)
> So then I assume (Yes, I didn't realize my first mistake in assuming),
> I made an error upon installation. So I re-install from scratch. This time
> however when installation commenced and packages where installing,
> a package with either mdk or xmms was involved, and didn't install the
> corresponding packages. This, of course, upset me greatly, however I
> diligently pushed ahead, thinking that since none of the packages that
> missed had anything to do with the X Server. Obviously I was wrong. So
> again I embarked upon a clean installation, greeted by a clean install,
> receiving the above Warning's yet again. It was about this time, that I
> recall, smashing my roommates head against the wall....speaking of which
> havn't seen him in a while. And fearing any other poor soul being harmed,
> figured I'd ask you fine folks for a bit of help before I'm committed.
> Thanks,
> --------------------------------------------\
> John R. Mariotti a.k.a                       \
> Vercingitorix a.k.a                           \
> [ChaOz]-Enigma                                 \
>                                                 \
> <<<<<<-TRIBES->>>>>>                             \
> Tribe ChaOz http://ChaOz.clanPages.com            \
> Currently ranked 8th on OGL, 22nd on TSL           \
> Last match vs. [CCC] Loss 1-0 -=Enigmatic Script=-  \
> <<<<<<-TRIBES->>>>>>                                 \
>                                                       \
> <<<<<<-ENDLESS PASSAGES->>>>>>                         \
> MUD Endless Passages http://www.endlesspassages.com     \
> Current MUD Status------> 'UP' -=Enigmatic Script=-      \
> <<<<<<-ENDLESS PASSAGES->>>>>>                            \
> -----------------------------------------------------------\

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