
Read more about it here
Available through Dish Network and Radio Shack.

Craig ><>

Hugh wrote:

> I had my system upgraded I use the Dish Network which has one of those tiny
> dish setups. Well the gentleman and I were talking about computers and he
> mentioned that they are going to add Internet service to there lineup.
> Now the thing is it's two way via the satt. so there wont be a need to use a
> phone line to dialin. I called there main office and they said it should be
> on-line sometime in Nov. or Dec. It's only ten times as fast as dialin
> but would only cost about $20.00. Just thought I would mention this. Sounds
> like the solution for me as ADSL isnt in my area yet.
> PS  The gentleman said I could stop by there shop and test it out :)
> Now if only I can set my box up to use it LOL

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