On Mon, 04 Sep 2000, you wrote:
> > 
> > You hit it on the nail 1000 percent. And, it takes a real user to admit
> > that they have goofed up big time. I'm sick and tired of people always
> > blaming when the are too afraid to admit they screwed up.
> > Always...always back up your data before partitioning and formating.
> > Save what you can and move it to another partition. Maybe Mandrake
> > should offer one installation button.
> > 
> > Roman
> Well, folks coming from Windows for the most part expect Linux to behave
> and act like Windows because that's how they've been programmed to
> believe things should be. "Sit back...relax and let Redmond, Washington
> do your thinking for you!" That "cradlke-to-grave" computing mentality
> is one day going to be the Windows downfall I have a feeling. They're
> going to paint themselves in a corner and not be able to get themselves
> out! It's happening now.
> -- 
> Mark

yep, it is happening now. i believe windoz will continue for 
years to come but the penguin is on its way to world 
domination. something microsoft couldnt accomplish :)

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> **  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed     | ICQ#27816299
> ** <_||_> in the making of this               |
> **  =\/=  message...                  | Registered Linux user #182496
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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