Hi everyone,
I recently installed Mandrake 7.0 on my Win98SE PC and I have a few q's.
1.  I have a CL Live! Value sound card.  It plays in KDE fine, with MP3's and the system sounds and the like.  However, when playing Quake 2, the sound gets broken up and sounds like it is reverbing.  I've tried messing with the audio menu, but nothing.  One thing to note is I installed the latest CL emu10k1 drivers OVER the installed drivers (it worked from the get go, but didn't try Quake2 at that time).  Is there anything I can do??  Check or whatever?  I fixed the mouse in quake 2 by editing libvga.config.
2.  In Quake 2, I can't get my Nvidia GeForce 2 to work in hardware mode.  It crashes back to console every time.  I followed all the instructions on installing and configuring XFree86 4.0.1 and installed the nvidia drivers (instructions from linuxnewbie.org).  However, I have no idea if Mesa was installed, or installed correctly.  I know I didn't install it.  The quake2 readme says I should install the included libMesaGL.so.2.6, but I thought the drivers might be out of date or might mess up my nvidia driver installation (the GLX one).
3. The new 2.2.17 kernel just released..  Should i compile it, and what are the downfalls/good things about doing this?  Does it fix anything, or will it mess something up?
4.  How in the heck can I get my desktop to show the full desktop without running in a super high resolution?  If I use 800x600, I only see part of the desktop (and I don't like scrolling the screen to find stuff).  The high res hurts my eyes (I run windows in 800x600).
5.  I have my system setup to boot linux only if I have my bootdisk in my A: drive.  My hd was already partitioned past the 8 gig limit.  Will this have any adverse effects upon my system?  Also, can I burn the contents of the bootdisk to a cd and have it boot from my DVD-ROM drive?
6.  In KDE, when I connect to the net and my modem icon goes to the "systray" area none of the icons will work.  If i try to click on konsole, it won't come up.  However, If I connect, change my theme, it will refresh the desktop, and my modem icon will disappear (still connected tho) and I can click on the icons.
I apologize about all the q's, but I'm a total newbie/moron to linux.  I knew and still do know every little about how it runs, what config files do what, and how to configure things right.
Upfront thanks to anyone who wishes to help!
Greg M.

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