>>>>> On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, "Pete" == Pete Clapham wrote:

  Pete> What would you recommend?  I don't seem to have loaded the
  Pete> send/receive programs when I loaded Linux, and I'm open to
  Pete> suggestions. The easiest program I have found is already built in.

In a terminal (as root) just type in efax.  You can send or receive, or
just have it wait for faxes with the addition of suffixes, i.e. efax -w
will auto wait for calls, etc.  Or just to answer a fax immediately, just
efax.  See the man page.  This program works well, does not need java like 
Hylafax.  I use it all the time.  I have found that even when I start it 
using the su root command from my directory, all faxes are saved to my 
personal directory.  

Best regards,

Today's thought: A closed mouth gathers no feet.

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