Richard Garand wrote:
> I deleted the partitions and reinstalled windows yesterday......i want to
> know why it destroyed my registry, why grub wouldn't load windows, how to
> install mandrake without destroying windows, how to install mandrake without
> installing another bootloader, how to make a boot diskette that can load
> mandrake (and have the the only way, so a normal boot will load windows),
> and if this boot diskette is possible.


Here's what you do.

Boot the Mandrake CD and start the installation. Do the expert install.
Do not use "supermount". Choose all packages to install the Developer
install. When it's time to make the partitions for Linux define them

/boot = 15MB

/home = (at least 500MB) can be more

/ (root) At least 2GB

When it's time to install the boot loader use LILO. Don't forget to make
a boot disk and install LILO on the MBR of the DOS partition. Don't
worry, it won't hurt Windows at all nor your registry.

At the point where it want to connect to do the Cryptography don't do it
then. Cancel out of that part and move on the next thing on the list.
You can take care of that part later. It takes forever to download what
you need for that and usually stalls the installation.

That's basically all there is to it. Once you've got Linux running you
can safely configure X-windows to display the video properly.

**  =/\=  No Penguins were harmed       | ICQ#27816299
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