This was a hot topic of conversation when I first joined the newbie list 
:-) One of the best things that a new newbie <giggle> can do is go to the 
archives and check and see if the problem you are having has been discussed 
and probably solved.

With that said -- another excellent source of information for the newbie 
is something that I refer to as "My Bible" and that is It has a WEALTH of information and has not failed 
me yet. Here is the info on the your wheel mouse -- 

 First you have to edit '/etc/X11/XF86Config'. Go to the 'Pointer 
Section' of this file and add
this line: 

  ZAxisMapping 4 5

This tells the X server to treat the wheel-up and the wheel-down 
movements as mouse                                   buttons (and that's 
what they actually are). If you own a PS/2 mouse, change the line 

                                  Protocol "PS/2"


                                  Protocol "imps/2".

Next look for the line


Make sure that there's a hash sign (#) in front of this line (which 
disables the emulation). 

Now all that's left to do is to copy the file '/etc/X11/imwheelrc' to 
your home directory and
rename it to '.imwheelrc': 

  cp /etc/X11/imwheelrc ~/.imwheelrc

Restart X, run imwheel -k and everything should work fine now. If it 
does, you should add this
command to your '.xinitrc' or '.xsessionrc' to have it executed 
automatically on every X

Have a wonderful day!!!

Registered Linux User #184611

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Original Message <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

On 9/13/00, 1:36:14 PM, Mikael Bergsten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote 
regarding [newbie] scroll button on mouse:

> I wondering if someone knows how to install my scroll button on my mouse. 
> uses an USB mouse...

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