Yes. You need to type (as root), 'adsl-start' and you will see a few dots
echoed, and then it will (should) say 'Connected!'. At that point you can
surf the web, get your mail, etc...  To disconnect you type 'adsl-stop'.

I'm assuming you have a dynamic IP address? I do (Bell Atlantic). If so, you
need only to untar the rp-pppoe package, change to the directory created,
run command "./go and the software prety much does the rest. Answer a few
questions, then read the included 'HOW-TO-CONNECT file. After I did this I
could connect but I couldn't go anywhere online. I believe there was a
problem resolving host names (correct me here if I'm wrong, group). I used
Windows' ipconfig utility to get my current DNS server number, back to
Linux, added the info to my /etc/resolve.conf file ( nameserver
123.45.678.90) , connected again and I was good to go. Works like a charm!

The best advice is to pay STRICT attention to the 'HOW-TO-CONNECT' file. Do
exactly as it says.

A question to the group: How can I make it so I can use the adsl commands as
a regular user. Right now I have to su to run them if I'm logged on as 'joe
user'.  If I try it as 'joe user' it says 'no such file' or something like

Glenn Johnson
Registered Linux User #175132
Usually powered by Mandrake Linux 7.1

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