>From: "Oliver L. Plaine Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: [newbie] Hacker on Licq
>Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 16:47:49 -0500

Hi, are you running a firewall, if not you should take the time to get one 
set up on your box, configure it properly and this should keep people out, 
although a good hacker will still get in, your firewall should alert you if 
someone is scanning your system. Change your passwords to upper and lower 
case with a mixture of symbols, even with this your password can still be 
cracked but it would be a bit harder. If you are using icq or some sort of 
messenger..beware, when talking to someone, you and that person have a 
direct connection with each other, all that person has to do is run netstat 
-n on the command line and bingo..he has your IP address..easy as that, from 
there they can scan to see what ports are open on your system, hence the 
firewall so you can guard those ports. If you are getting regular attacks 
from the same person, you could be infected with a trojan, when you go 
on-line the trojan that sit's in your machine will send your IP address back 
to that hacker and then he will hack you again. This is just a brief 
outline, there are many way's that it can be done. Personally i don't use my 
linux box to go online as i don't feel it's secure enough yet, as i'm still 
learning linux, i use my windows box cos it's like fort knox...if you get 
mail from someone that you don't know and it has an attachment, don't open 
it [delete it] for all you know it could be a virus, soon as you open it, 
your infected...Oh yes, see all the stuff at the top of this e-mail, their's 
enough info there for you to be hacked..worrying isn't it...by the way, 
don't get the wrong idea...i'm not a hacker..i just study alot.

     Hope this helps...Bye.

>On Tue, 12 Sep 2000 12:29:59 -0700, Robin wrote:
> >Yesterday, some hacker from Spain got into my system and started to 
> >away at some of my linux files especially in Licq files.
>Tue, 12 Sep 2000  16:38:15
>I am sorry Robin that I don't know enough to be able to help you, but
>I have a question....
>       How long were you online that gave the bad guy opportunity to
>do damage...are you continually hooked up online?
>       The reason I ask is I am using the fly low approach of hit,
>get the mail/info, and get off the phone line ... I feel sort of naked
>while I am doing it....
>Olly P
>"when I lay down to sleep at night, I see little images of my computer
>screen...they must be burned into my retina? I wonder if they make
>contact lenses with little screensavers?"op

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