On Tue, 12 Sep 2000, you wrote:

oh cool,  I went to that site at www.grc.com and they probed it and tested my
internet security and they stated that they had no way of getting into my
computer.    Which is great news!   Now I can minimized my worriness about
someone messing up my system...  Yahoo!


> Rob wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > well,  I guess I got it up and running.  but I would like to make sure that it
> > is up and running.   How do test it?   where do I look up the log file to see
> > if pmfirewall is running.    OH yeah   got portsentry up and running,   how do
> > I test that?
> > 
> > Rob
> Got to http://www.grc.com and they will attempt to probe you (in a friendly
> manner). I mean, you don't have to marry them afterwards... ;-)
> -- 
>                                                                        /\    
>                                                                    Dark><Lord
>                                                                        \/

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