On Wed, 13 Sep 2000 12:00:05 +0100, Gordon wrote:

>As a fairly competent Windows user, what is the best method of learning
>Linux? Is it to just learn about performing tasks as they occur, (ie
>unzipping and installing programs etc) or to go through a book like
>"Linux for Dummies" for example chapter by chapter?
Wed, 13 Sep 2000  10:38:35
It will take a lot of both Gordon, "read" is the key. my attempt is to
get a good general overview of the system operation, and then detail
on the specific problem of the day.

        My opinion is do not spend a lot of money on books, it is
quite unnecessary as the web has just about any information you
need...my problem has been knowing where to find it...but I am getting
a clue about that. Make use of mandrakeusers.org and the newbie sites
they are all around and linked by most of the linux sites...just find
them and read...your CD has a lot of info in the howto section and
man. if you have the system running already type man man.or info.
It requires effort, but it is also fun 8-).

Olly P
"when I lay down to sleep at night, I see little images of my computer
screen...they must be burned into my retina? I wonder if they make
contact lenses with little screensavers?"

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