I am not sure, but perhaps in the DNS tab you have to uncheck this option:
--Disable existing DNS Servers during connection : enable--

so that it DOESN'T disable the existing DNS Servers during the connection.

That's how I have it set up and it works.

Hope this can help, cheers,

El jue, 14 sep 2000, escribiste:
> Sorry. :-)
> I'll try to explain my problem from the beginning. I'm using a modem
> (Rockwell) to dial the internet. I (think) don't using ISDN and DSL
> (actually I don't know what ISDN and DSL are). And I also have internal LAN
> configured on my machine.
> And here some information about my system :
> Computer 1 : Mandrake 7.1, kernel 2.2.16, IP Address :
> Computer 2 : Windoze98, IP Address :
> Gateway : ( I have no idea, where this number come from ?. I
> don't remember to set this number)
> /etc/resolv.conf
> domain telkom.net.id
> search telkom.net.id
> nameserver
> nameserver
> /etc/ppp/options
> noauth
> lock
> /etc/ppp/pap-secret -> empty
> kppp setting:
> Login ID : telkomnet@instan
> password : telkom
> On Box Edit Account : telkomnet
> tab Dial :
> Connection name : telkomnet
> Phone number : 080989999
> Store password : enable
> tab IP
> Dynamic IP Address : enable
> Auto configure host-name from this IP : disable
> tab DNS :
> Domain name : telkom.net.id
> DNS Address List : and
> Disable existing DNS Servers during connection : enable
> tab Gateway :
> Default Gateway : enable
> Assign the default Route to this Gateway : enable
> Setting on linuxconf :
> Networking -> Routing and Gateway -> Set -> Defaults
> Default Gateway :
> Enable routing : disable
> DNS Configurator on Server task :
> Domain : empty
> Internet Services on Server task :
> Internet netwrok services : empty
> Allowed server access : empty
> > OK, I'm confused...
> >
> > Are you using a modem to dial the internet?
> > Are you using an ISDN modem to connect to the internet?
> > Are you using DSL/Cable to connect to the internet?
> > Do you hhave an internal LAN configured that might be getting in the way?
> > What exactly have you done to your machine?
> >
> > New things keep popping up in your e-mails that don't flow correctly.
> >
> > You've got ISDN configured, and failing... and then you're trying to
> dial-up
> > a modem connection using KPPP? Even though you are posting failures bout a
> > network interface card.
> >
> > No offense intended, mind you, but things just don't make sense.
> >
> > Can you take a bit of time, and carefully describe your setup, step by
> step,
> > so that we'll have a better undertanding of what you need fixed?
> >
> > --Greg
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: "Pungki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > Thank you. I'll check that site. And then, when I startx linux, I got
> > message like this :
> > Bringing up eth0 interface    [OK]
> > modprobe : modprobe : can't locate modele ippp0
> > modprobe : modprobe : can't locate module isdn0
> >
> > Are these message has any effect to connection to internet ? If yes, what
> > should I do to fix it ? Thank you very much for any help.
> >
> > -Pungki
> >
> >

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